By the age of two, most children have the following skills:

Receptive Language:

  • Identify simple body parts (e.g. nose, tummy)
  • Understand simple questions (“where’s your hat?”, “who’s that?”)
  • Follow instructions that involve an object and action (e.g. roll ball, sit on chair)
  • Begin to follow 2-step instructions (e.g. get the ball and sheep)
  • Identify pictures in books when named
  • Understand when an object is ‘on’ or ‘in’ something (location words)
  • Answer yes / no questions

Expressive Language:

  • Use more than fifty words such as “no”, “gone”, “mine”, “teddy“
  • Listen to stories and name common pictures
  • Speech is used more often than gestures
  • Talk to themselves or their toys during play
  • Use some pronouns instead of names (e.g. “me”, “mine“)
  • Begin to put 2 words together (e.g. “mummy car”, “teddy eat”)
  • Use a variety of communicative intents (requesting, commenting, protesting, etc)

Sounds used in play, babble or words:

  • p
  • b
  • m
  • w
  • h
  • n
  • t
  • d


  • Play alone or alongside child
  • Use concrete objects to play
  • Will use objects in play (e.g. pretend to drink from a cup)
  • Will carry out an action on an object (e.g. feed doll, pretend to sweep floor)


  • Turn pages when reading a book
  • Enjoy actively listening to songs and nursery rhymes

Cause for concern:

  • Has very few single words
  • Does not understand / follow simple instructions
  • Does not understand names of common objects
  • Does not use objects to play
  • Does not respond to simple questions
  • Limited number of new words being used

If you have any concerns regarding your child’s language development, feel free to complete the checklist for a speech pathologist to review

    By the age of 2, most children have the following skills:

    Receptive Language
    Identifies simple body parts (e.g. nose, tummy)Understand simple questions ("where's your shoe?")Follow instructions that involve an object and action (e.g. roll ball, sit on chair)Identify pictures in booksUnderstands 3 prepositions (in, on, under, up, down, out)Answers yes / no questionsResponds to "where" question (by looking)

    Expressive Language:
    Use more than fifty words such as "no", "gone", "mine", "teddy"Listen to stories and name common picturesSpeech used more often than gesturesTalk to themselves or their toys during playUse some pronouns instead of names (e.g. "me", "mine")Begins to put 2 words together (e.g. "mummy car", "teddy eat" gone")Uses a variety of communicative intents (requesting, commenting, protesting, etc)

    Sounds used in play, babble or words:

    Plays alone or alongside childUses concrete objects to playWill use objects in play (e.g. pretend to drink from a cup)Will carry out an action on an object (e.g. feed doll, pretend to sweep floor)

    Turns pages when reading a bookEnjoys actively listening to songs and nursery rhymes

    Cause for concern:
    Has very few single wordsDoesn’t understand / follow simple instructionsDoesn’t understand names of common objectsDoes not use objects to playDoes not respond to simple questionsLimited number of new words being used

    Please complete the below and we will be in touch

    Would you like to be contacted regarding your child's language development?:
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