By the age of three, most children have the following skills:

Receptive Language:

  • Follow 2-step unrelated directions (e.g. “get your shoes and put your hat on)
  • Follow instructions with concepts such as: little, in, on, etc (e.g. go to our room and get your big teddy)
  • Understand concepts (e.g. big, little, fast, slow)
  • Point to less familiar body parts e.g. elbow, chin, etc
  • Understand “who”, “where” and “what” questions
  • Recognise simple named colours
  • Understand negation (“is not”, “not want”, etc)
  • Understand approximately 900 words

Expressive Language:

  • Use approximately 500 words
  • Use 3-4 word sentences
  • Talk about things that are not in the room / happened in the past
  • Begin to use basic grammar (e.g. ‘ing’, ‘ed’ and plural ‘s’)
  • Enjoy telling stories and asking questions
  • Be understood by unfamiliar adults 60% of the time
  • Ask “who”, “what” and “where” questions e.g. “What that?”, “Where mummy?”

Sounds that are correctly produced:

  • p
  • b
  • m
  • w
  • h
  • n
  • t
  • d
  • y
  • k
  • g
  • ng
  • f


  • Play begins to represent less familiar events (e.g. shopping, doctor)
  • Events are short and roles change quickly
  • Language being used while playing – describing what doing, commenting, etc)


  • Stories have no organisation. Statements are unrelated e.g. monkey, pig, duck walk

Cause for concern:

  • Using short sentences (2-word phrases)
  • Does not understand / follow 2-step instructions
  • Does not play with other children
  • Does not respond to questions
  • Does not ask questions
  • Less familiar people find it difficult to understand my child

If you have any concerns regarding your child’s language development, feel free to complete the checklist for a speech pathologist to review

    By the age of 3, most children have the following skills:

    Receptive Language
    Recognise their own needs, such as hungerFollow 2-step unrelated directions (e.g. “get your shows and put your hat on)Follow instructions with concepts such a little, in, on, etc (e.g. go to our room and get your big teddy)Understands "in", "on", "under" out of contextUnderstands concepts (big, little, fast, slow)Points to less familiar body parts e.g. elbow, chin, etcUnderstands functions of familiar objects (e.g. a chair is to sit on)Knows function of familiar body parts (eyes, mouth, etc)Answers "who", "where" and "what" questionsCan name actions from a picture (e.g. washing, jumping, etc)Recognises simple named coloursUnderstands negation ("is not", "not want", etc)Understands approximately 900 words

    Expressive Language:
    Uses approximately 500 wordsUse 3-4 word sentencesBegin to use basic grammar (e.g. ‘ing’, ‘ed’ and plural ‘s’Enjoy telling stories and asking questionsBe understood by unfamiliar adults 60% of the timeBegins to ask yes / no questionsAsks "what" and "where" questions e.g. "What that?", "Where mummy?"

    Sounds that are correctly produced:

    Play begins to represent less familiar events (e.g. shopping, doctor)Events are short and roles change quicklyLanguage being used while playing – describing what doing, commenting, etc)

    Stories have no organisation. Statements are unrelated e.g. monkey, pig, duck walk

    Cause for concern:
    Using short sentences (2-word phrases)Doesn’t understand / follow 2-step instructionsDoes not play with other childrenDoes not respond to questionsDoesn’t ask questionsLess familiar people find it difficult to understand my child

    Please complete the below and we will be in touch

    Would you like to be contacted regarding your child's language development?:
    Yes pleaseNo thankyou