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How do I get my one year old to start talking?
You've got a one-year old that you are concerned about. Or, you are pretty happy with how your little munchkin is progressing but just want to make sure that you are giving them the best head start possible. The question [...]
How do I get my two year old talking?
You’ve got past the newborn phase and have endured possibly the biggest learning curve of your life learning how to become a parent. Now you’re juggling the toddler age – the struggle for independence, the phase of strong-willed children who [...]
How do I get my three year old talking?
By now, you’ve either faced the ‘terrible twos’ or are running into the threenager years, or both. I personally don’t agree with the term ‘terrible’ but definitely am starting to see the challenges with my own son and have a [...]
How do I get my four year old talking?
Wow, your child probably has recently started Kindy or will be about to embark on this exciting and equally daunting new life adventure. What an exiting time for all of you, as your child continues to sponge up everything around [...]
How do I get my five year old talking?
You're driving your child to the beach, shopping, an activity, or to run an errand. It suddenly hits you - you have a fully-fledged school-aged child who's needs are now very different to that of a newborn, which feels like [...]
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