By the age of 6, most children have the following skills:

Receptive Language:
Understand complex instructions

Expressive Language:
Use long sentences with complex language & minimal grammatical errors

Sounds that are correctly produced:
Most sounds are correctly produced. There may be some errors with ‘th’ and some consonant blends e.g. ‘br’


  • Able to generate a story with narrative elements (who, where, when, what)
  • Story sequence begins to show that one action may cause the next with a limited plan to the overall story
  • Break simple words into their sounds
  • Put sounds together to make a word (e.g. d-o-g = “dog”)
  • Identify the beginning, middle and end sounds in words
  • Write some simple words

Cause for concern:

  • Difficult to understand
  • Unable to break words into sounds
  • Unable to put sounds together to make a word (e.g. can’t answer “what word does c-a-t make?”)
  • Finds it difficult to tell a story or recount events that happened in the past
  • Finds it difficult to follow instructions at school (may be being mislabelled as “naughty” or non-compliant)

    By the age of 6, most children have the following skills:

    Receptive Language
    Understands complex instructions

    Expressive Language:
    Uses long sentences with complex language and minimal grammatical errors

    Sounds that are correctly produced:
    Most sounds
    **It is age-appropriate to have errors producing 'th' and some consonant blends

    Able to generate a story with narrative elements (who, where, when, what)Story sequence begins to show that one action may cause the next. Limited plan to the overall storyBreaks simple words into their soundsPut sounds together to make a word (e.g. d-o-g = "dog")Identify the beginning, middle and end sounds in wordsWrite some simple words

    Cause for concern:
    Difficult to understandUnable to break words into soundsUnable to put sounds together to make a word (e.g. can’t answer "what word does c-a-t make?")Finds it difficult to tell a story or recount events that happened in the pastFinds it difficult to follow instructions at school (may be being mislabelled as "naughty" or non-compliant)

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