By the age of one, most children have the following skills:

Receptive Language:

  • Respond to familiar sounds, e.g. telephone ringing, vacuum cleaner
  • Understand simple commands, such as “no” and “want more?”
  • Respond to their own name
  • Understands words for more familiar objects (e.g. blankie, cup) or people (e.g. mummy, grandpa, etc.)
  • Look towards an object or person when you point

Expressive Language:

  • Babble using a range of consonant and vowel sounds (e.g. “bububu” & “gagagaga”)
  • Say “dad”, “mumma” and few other words
  • Try to make familiar sounds, such as car and animal noises
  • Use gestures and sound to gain attention (e.g. pointing, reach for ‘up’)


  • Will find a hidden toy
  • Being to understand object use e.g. will briefly touch phone to ear
  • Interact with you during games such as peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake


  • Look at books for short periods of time
  • Listen to stories and songs

Cause for concern:

  • Little or no babbling
  • Does not respond to familiar voices
  • Shows little or no recognition of names of common people, objects, action words

If you have any concerns regarding your child’s language development, feel free to complete the checklist for a speech pathologist to review

    One year old skills checklist

    Receptive Language
    Respond to familiar sounds, e.g. telephone ringing, vacuum cleanerUnderstand simple commands, such as "no“ and “stop”Respond to their own nameUnderstand the names of familiar objects or people (e.g. mummy, teddy, etc)

    Expressive Language:
    Babble using consonant and vowel sounds (“bububu”)Say "dad", "mumma" and a few other wordsTry to make familiar sounds, such as car and animal noisesPoints to gain attention

    Will find a hidden toyBeginning to understand object use e.g. will briefly touch phone to ear

    Cause for concern:
    Little or no babblingDoes not respond to familiar voicesShows little or no recognition of names of common people, objects, action words

    Looks at booksPoints to pictures in books

    Please complete the below and we will be in touch

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